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PETSupp™ Healthy Life Mineral Additive 100g

PETSupp™ Healthy Life Mineral Additive 100g

Grip seal bag containing 100g of PETSupp™ Healthy Life Mineral Additive. Our Luxury Pet Mineral Supplement.

PETSupp™ Healthy Life Mineral Additive is a naturally occurring Amorphous Silica and Mineral Clay blend that provides an abundance of advantageous health benefits when added to your pets food.

Add 2-4% PETSupp™ Healthy Life Mineral Additive to feed (i.e. 20-40g per 1000g of feed). A teaspoon per day is sufficient for a small dog or cat. Bake into your pets favourite treats or add to liquids.
  • Details

    The mineral silica (Si) is getting more notice for its important functions. Amorphous Silica improves skin elasticity, fur and nail growth.

    A few other more important aspects have been explored lately revolving around silica health benefits. Silica helps ensure collagen elasticity of all connecting tissues in the body, including tendons and cartilage. This reduces aches and pains and maintains your pets flexibility.

    It has also been determined that high levels of blood serum silica keep arterial plaque from building and clogging blood vessels. The main culprit for that plaque has recently shifted from cholesterol build-up to calcification from calcium in the blood that is not absorbed as bone matter. It has been known that silica is an important part of building bone matter. Without it, calcium goes elsewhere to potentially calcify in the soft tissue of inner artery walls and the heart. Silica is vital for keeping strong bones and a healthy cardiovascular system.

    This qualifies silica as an essential anti-aging mineral that is much more than simply skin deep.

    The high purity cleansing clays that are blended with our Amorphous Silica provide *mycotoxin absorbing abilities and essential trace minerals.


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